Suche nach Beiträgen von ZacharyWashington

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93, Männlich

Beiträge: 2

Re: 24 Stunden Pflege für Vater in Deutschland

von ZacharyWashington am 01.11.2021 06:25

Hm, sehr interessante Gedanken! Ich denke, damit mehr Interessierte deine Gedanken lesen, solltest du sie auf Instagram posten und die Dienste von nutzen, um schnell die Anzahl der Follower zu erhohen.



93, Männlich

Beiträge: 2

Re: Wie nehmt ihr am schnellsten ab?

von ZacharyWashington am 07.12.2020 20:59

I think that in order to lose weight there is no one universal way, everything is individual here. I do not advise you to spend money on some kind of weight loss pills, because their effectiveness has not been proven. It's easier to just start eating right and staying physically active. And what exactly to eat and what exercises to do, as well as how exactly you can find out on YouTube, since there are many videos from famous fitness trainers on this topic, and by the way, most of them have at least 29 thousand views! I am sure that the authors use to buy views on YouTube.


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