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35, male

Posts: 2

contribute to health

from geretede on 04/28/2020 10:50 AM

Money pays for access to treatment, but it also pays for conditions that contribute to health. For example, the Affordable Care Act cannot make housing more affordable. The cost of housing determines where someone can live, and this can greatly affect one's access to healthy food. The average income of a community also affects tax revenue, which in turn affects funding for pollution management and other things. All of these factors go into developing the health of a population. 




35, male

Posts: 2

healthy habit

from geretede on 04/28/2020 10:45 AM

The passage of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 has had a lot of people focusing on healthcare—particularly how costly things like doctor visits and prescription drugs are. This overshadows a debate about health itself and how economic standing can give someone an advantage or disadvantage in this respect.



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