Have A Great Version Of Madden AND NFL Street

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27, Männlich

Beiträge: 3

Have A Great Version Of Madden AND NFL Street

von Kingang am 14.12.2020 09:36

I dont disagree with this, but year in and year out people ask for advancement to franchise, so im sure a great 90 percent of the fan base would be inclined to sacrifice non-sense game-modes like The Yard, Superstar KO, along with Longshot for a decent franchise improvments. Oh absoulutely. I love the good ideas but you would think that they would work to earn the base modes better instead of just adding a ton of other modes just because they can. I really wish Longshot was not something. Folks want to have a Great version of Madden AND NFL Street. They don't need two shitty versions bundled into a single game. Don't forget that r/Madden represents a small minority of the total Madden participant population, and only making things that people ask for directly is a bad approach to innovate. I love your perspective! Been waiting for a team play mode that doesn't require hundreds of hours of grinding since Madden 12. Speak for yourself.


LMAO this game is already pure crap and it hasn't even been played and released. You may snap into any player on the area? Trash. You can score 13 points in one play with intercepting the ball and performing laterals and a three POINT CONVERSION LOL. And still only 3v3. . Stop buying this trash sport individuals. It hurts as it looks great, like they have put so much effort into this player encounter, given it a lot of consideration and hard work. I would get this for 20$ no matter, but why is it becoming priority over franchise? This mode legitimately sounds amazing. I'm not to the simulation or cover to win civilization of Ultimate Team, but I've always enjoyed arcadey sports and frequently times find them the very enjoyable competitively too. Sounds amazing. This is what they did instead of franchise. Pathetic.

Check out http://www.mmoexp.com for more details.


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