Blog von rajneeskumarr

von rajneeskumarr am 9. März 2021 12:59 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
When your child gets a direction in his life, he can do much better than otherwise. You would agree that many people take wrong decisions in their lives that turn out to be harmful for their growth. Well, have you ever taken such a decision in your childhood that you have regret for even today?


Well, if you want that your child does not make any such wrong decisions then you must ensure that he knows about his capabilities and interests. Now, if he does online aptitude test practice, he can know a lot about himself that might not be known to him otherwise.

Schools Use Aptitude Tests

You know that schools use career aptitude test for children to measure their mental capabilities. The results from these tests are evaluated to determine the personality, mental and cognitive abilities of students coupled with those areas that required to be worked upon.

Now, here the children who score low in these tests can be given extra level of care, and attention and their weaker areas might be reduced by formulating tasks and activities that are as per their capabilities. Of course, when you know that th...

von rajneeskumarr am 26. Dezember 2020 07:56 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
Brainwonders team has put together a list of things to take care to ensure your safety and simultaneous growth.
  1. Cooperate with health and government regulations
  2. Keep yourself and your surrounding cleans, follow the precautions
  3. Eat nutritious and properly cooked food
  4. Avoid outdoor activities, try home delivery for shopping requirements
  5. Be aware but only trust verified experts, all information may not be correct
  6. In case of any flu like- health concerns, consult a medical professional immediately
  7. Here are certain genuine online resources to keep yourself smartly updated:,
  8. Respect other people’s wish to maintain physical distance
  9. Be productive, being at home should not stop you from completing some responsibilities that do not require stepping out.
  10. Keep a cautious but happy attitude!

DMIT Test: Every Brainwonders employee carries their own biometric scanner. It is sanitized...

von rajneeskumarr am 11. Dezember 2020 06:40 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
So the team of Brainwonders collaborated with POTE Tutorials to provide an interest-aptitude test to 10th standard students where the students objectively responded to a set of questions. These responses are then processed to be analyzed and compiled in the form of a comprehensive report that highlights the top career options and the respective job zones where the student is explained about the recommended options during the career counselling session.


Besides this Brainwonders also provides DMIT, multiple intelligence tests, IQ test, Online aptitude test and psychometric tests to assist students with career guidance. The Interest-Aptitude Test opted by POTE Classes is assists the students in understanding their abilities aligning with their interests and helps them pursuing the suitable field like, humanities, commerce, sciences and more. The whole arena of personal counselling will culminate with career...