Blog von shashirekha

von shashirekha am 2. März 2021 11:24 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
TOEFL could be your ticket to success. A good exam system is as important as your English knowledge and could get the difference between making the score you require to study in the states and missing out.
This is particularly relevant for the internet-based TOEFL test. Make sure you get the score you deserve with these terrific tips for tackling the TOEFL test.
TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language, it is the official name for the test. Are you looking to study in a university in an English Speaking Country, then you need to take a TOEFL test. Join FITA, Best TOEFL Coaching in Chennai. Tutors help you to learn more about TOEFL exams so join TOEFL Classes in Chennai.

How to get a good TOEFL score

1. Improve your computer skills

The iBT is now the most basic form for TOEFL, and poor computer skills can make you nervous, careless, and slow. Increase your possibility of achievement by doing simple wit...