The Warriors ushered in a wave of 10 winning streaks

Geschrieben von lolgavip am 23. Dezember 2017 04:10 Uhr


Warriors beat the Grizzlies 97-84 home, the Warriors ushered NBA Live Coins in a wave of 10 winning streaks.
The Warriors are currently wounded and run, with Warriors Stephen Curry (ankle), Dremmond-Green (shoulder), Zaza-Pachulia (shoulder), Shaw Grace - Livingston (knee injury), Andre - Iguodala (flu symptoms) are absent from the game. Casspiys off the bench performance quite well, became the team Jones game. Full match, Caspar 5 vote, contributed 12 points, 6 rebounds, 1 assists and 1 steal. Casbi also became Durant and Thompson, the Warriors only double-digit score in this game.
It's not easy for Caspar to stand in the Warriors, but he can play 3 and 4 in the game, and more importantly, the card Sparti has a solid outside shot, and although the Wolves missed the 3-point shooting of the Wolves last season, he was able to shoot 37.9 percent from the 3-point line while in the Kings, During the season, he also hit more than 40% of his 3-point shooting.
In today's game, the warriors and the Grizzlies fierce competition, 27 seconds in the first section, Durant shot unsuccessfully, Kasby grabbed offensive rebounds in the crowd, and then the ball into the basket Baskets, rely on the ball, the Warriors in the first section of the game will be reduced to 4 points.


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