James Back-to-back games are a bit tough

Geschrieben von lolgavip am 19. Dezember 2017 04:03 Uhr


In the just-concluded regular NBA Live Coins season, Cavaliers away to 106-99 Lectra Wizards, made five straight. Knight players LeBron - James played 41 minutes, got 20 points, 12 rebounds and 15 assists. James was interviewed after the game.

"Today's game is the toughest match of the season so far and I played 37 minutes against a Jazz at home and I did my best in that match and we did not have the chance to rest overnight It's hard for us to get here for the second back to back, "James said.

After the game, James has won three consecutive games in three pairs, nearly five games for the fourth time to get three pairs. He also talked about his own performance in an interview.

"I was not as efficient tonight as I was, but I still had to contribute to the team in other ways: I tried my best to protect the rebound and work hard to drive my teammates, and the performance of my team mates also cost opponents," James said.

"I just wanted to be a full-fledged basketball player, and the situation in each match was different and the victory was very important to us," James continued.

After the game, the Knights made 23 wins and 8 losses, ranking second in the east.


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