Belem We know that Ozil will stay in Arsenal

Geschrieben von lolgavip am 6. Februar 2018 03:46 Uhr


Berehlin recently said he was not surprised to FIFA Coins see Ozil stay in Arsenal because he knew how much he loved the AFC Champions for Arsenal and London. Ozil's new long-term contract was announced on Thursday after months of speculation from outsiders. In the summer of 2013, the German midfielder came to the Emirates Stadium and Bellerin believes Ozil can lead Arsenal to success.

"At the training ground, everyone knows he will stay," Berehlin said. "He loves London and loves Arsenal and he always gets angry when things are not going well, so you know what a losing or winning club means to him, so I think everyone in the club, in the locker room I know he will choose to stay. "

"It's as exciting as a new contract," Belalion added. "He is a very good player, his ability and everything that he brings to the team, which are all exciting Arsenal fans."

Saturday's game against Everton was Ozil, Aubameyang and Mkhitaryan for the first time together at the Emirates Stadium for Arsenal, and Beleriing saw the quality of the team's attack Significantly improved. "Today I saw the performance of the frontcourt players in the game, and even players on the bench have got the chance to play and have a good play. Their creativity for the entire team as well as the high emotions in the other Very rare on the team. "


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