real powerful blue beam laser

Geschrieben von laserasn am 28. Dezember 2017 14:11 Uhr


When a cat plays a laser pointer, there are two dangers, but these can be easily avoided. It helps the cat catch the real laser pointer and the first danger he faces is the danger of the laser. An astronomical pointer to a laser pointer usually does not buy more than 5 milliwatts, which will cause the eye to be injured after 10 seconds of eye. The cat's eyes are more sensitive, but there is not enough room for harm. To avoid possible eye damage, avoid insurance and concentrate cats in the eye. Bounce between laser pointer shooting Photons in the mirror several times, was active medium rebound in each step, if their electronic collide with the excitation, will decompose and emit Photons. The process of executing this system produces a large number of coherent photons without delay, which will be explained later. After all, this is almost instantaneous process laser pointer produces a laser beam through a mirror's small aperture.


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