Blog von dealsofloan

von dealsofloan am 1. April 2021 09:00 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
As women achieve financial freedom, the number of women applying for home loans from banks has increased. As a result, lenders are now providing a range of opportunities and schemes to women who want to buy a house. Reduced interest rates and simple eligibility conditions are among the advantages available.

Since the advantages of a home loan are numerous, an increasing number of women are attempting to take advantage of the options that are available. If you're a woman, here are some of the benefits of getting a home loan.
Interest rates are Lower: Lenders believe that women are more consistent and reliable as borrowers. Financial institutions provide lower interest rates on home loans for women to enable them to invest in different properties. This makes borrowing and repaying the principal sum very affordable for them. Even if the subsidized rate is just 0.05 to 0.1 % lower, it has a major effect on the EMI level.

Simple eligibility criteria : Women can get a home loan ranging from Rs. 30 lakh to Rs. 1 crore to buy their dream home. In order to attract female borrowers, more lenders are rising sanctions. This,...
von dealsofloan am 23. Januar 2021 06:31 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
Home Loan Document List

Buying a house is not easy thing to do; it is a big challenge, right from finding the house of your choice to tuning on to the home loan, and if you miss something it will take out a lot of your time. Knowing the requisite documents and their details, however will relieve your extra stress.

Getting full and correct paperwork guarantees timely documentation and hassle-free Home Loan disbursement. You would need such documentation ready to be approved for a home loan, whether you are buying a home from a builder or finding home financing on your own.

You basically need identity proof, age proof, address proof, and income proof to be eligible for a home loan.
Income proof: This is the most critical document that will determine whether or not the person applying for the loan will be able to pay for it. The lender evaluates evidence of income so that they can confirm they put the amount in the proper hands. For salaried employees, the evidence of income differs from that of self-employed people.

Proof of Age: Age is another Home Loan qualifying requirement. You need to inc...
von dealsofloan am 23. Januar 2021 06:30 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
Home Loan Document List

Buying a house is not easy thing to do; it is a big challenge, right from finding the house of your choice to tuning on to the home loan, and if you miss something it will take out a lot of your time. Knowing the requisite documents and their details, however will relieve your extra stress.

Getting full and correct paperwork guarantees timely documentation and hassle-free Home Loan disbursement. You would need such documentation ready to be approved for a home loan, whether you are buying a home from a builder or finding home financing on your own.

You basically need identity proof, age proof, address proof, and income proof to be eligible for a home loan.
Income proof: This is the most critical document that will determine whether or not the person applying for the loan will be able to pay for it. The lender evaluates evidence of income so that they can confirm they put the amount in the proper hands. For salaried employees, the evidence of income differs from that of self-employed people.

Proof of Age: Age is another Home Loan qualifying requirement. You need to inc...
von dealsofloan am 2. Januar 2021 05:10 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
One of the biggest responsibilities a person can make financially is repaying a home loan. This is mainly due to the large amount of loans involved and a significantly longer tenure period for repayment. The EMI payments can drain someone financially and have a huge effect on someone's livelihood, in addition to other expenses.

In addition, based on the choices of RBI, there are several parameters such as loan repayment tenure, loan transfer, and adjustments in home loan rates. Such considerations also have the potential to impact one's monthly payments. Therefore, it is very important to carefully analyse the parameters that can impact home loan EMIs in the longer term, when preparing to use a home loan.

Changing Rates of Interest: During your loan maturity period, any improvement in the home loan interest rates can have a major substantial impact on your home loan EMI. If you have used a floating interest rate home loan, then your EMI will be impacted by the prevailing rates in the financial sector. This generally means that your home loan EMI will a...
von dealsofloan am 27. November 2020 04:03 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
The credit score should be seen as the indicator of verifying your ability to repay any loan you have made available in a timely manner. Lenders determine, by your credit score, whether or not the loan will be extended to you. In fact, your credit score verifies your eligibility for a maximum personal loan. The credit score ranging from 300 to 900, is. The higher the credit score, the greater the chance of any loan being received. Check your credit score now.

A credit score lower than 600 is treated as a poor credit score. But the query is how to get a Low Credit Score Personal Loan? There are also several financial institutions and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) that can provide personal loans to a person looking for a low credit score personal loan for which they can often charge comparatively higher interest rates . Usually, with a low credit score, financial institutions do not offer a personal loan. However, under the following cases, they can make allowances and have a bad credit score for a personal loan.

Applying with a guara...
von dealsofloan am 19. Oktober 2020 07:33 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
Are you a salaried individual who feels a little tough to manage your income for certain expenses? If you have a robust credit score, repayment and employment experience, you can always go for an instant personal term loan. You will receive the best personal loan interest rate if your personal loan eligibility is strong.

As they fear the higher interest rate associated with it, most people do not apply for a personal loan. You can still follow some tips to qualify for the low interest rate for personal loans, however. Read on and know more now!

Compare interest rate Before taking personal loan: If you looking for the perfect personal loan, a little research will assist you go a long way. You just simply need to land on our website i.e. and start comparing all personal loan interest rate on a single platform . This way, according to your needs, income and repayment ability, you can choose for the best personal loan offers.

Maintain a Good CIBIL Score: The very first aspect that lenders see is your credit score at the time of approving your personal loan application. It's because it's what dem...
von dealsofloan am 23. September 2020 10:08 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
Holding the comfort of prospective borrowers in consideration, most lenders would keep the loan process trouble-free. One can easily log on to official website i.e and request an advance.
Since advances like instant personal loans support eligible borrowers reach their individual financial goals, this unsecured loan is offered by many NBFCs. potential borrowers need to analyze the lenders and the financing options available before they decide on one.
Going for a lender who offers them a simplified application process and needs minimal paperwork and eligibility requirements ensures quick approval and fast disbursement of the approved amount.
Check the application process for loans from leading NBFCs with us Dealsofloan.
-Visit our website :
— Provide certain important personal, job and financial information
— Settle and include your preferred tenor and the loan sum required and obtain online approval of an instant personal loan
— Your lender's representative shall contact you
— Keep the documentation required ready and provide them to the ...
von dealsofloan am 10. August 2019 07:34 Uhr  ·  Kommentare: 0
Have you ever met someone who tried to offer you a help to get your loan process done conveniently and hassle free? Have you ever met any mediator who tried helping you out when you fail in the loan process with your chosen bank? If you have ever me such guys, who were those guys in actual?

Actually those guys were the Direct Selling Agents who are associated with some banks and other NBFCs and surely they aren't any scams! These guys genuinely have their process ready, and hold the capability to help you out and in a way the help which we call as is a business for those guys!

Let us give you a detailed introduction of those Bank DSAs!

Who are Bank DSAs?
The Bank DSAs are the direct selling agents of any particular bank and may be called as referral agents, who went through the Bank DSA Registration process to become Bank DSA.

Responsibilities of Bank DSAs

These people hold the responsibility to find the prospects for the banks that are looking for some products like bank loans etc. These Bank DSAs hol...