contractoros`s Blog

from contractoros at 10. January 2018 14:02 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
Learn what Contractors Should Never Do should never do during an estimate, BUT these things that are very common with some contractors, and it makes them lose the sale.
The First thing contractor you should never do when talking to a potential customer is to badmouth the competition. It's amazing how upset customers will get when you start talking bad about other companies.
So definitely don't say anything about other companies that they may be looking at, just sell yourself and believe in what you do.
Always smile during your appointments and keep an upbeat attitude because people buy from people they like, it's not just about the price.


Lose Your Cool and Lose the Sale:
As a contractor, you need to learn how to communicate with your new clients effectively, and unfortunately contractors say things that the potential client doesn't like. They do it all the time and they wonder why they can't close any sales.
Always Be Professional, It Sells
During the estimate remember you are being interviewed for a job, but also, you're giving them a quote to have the work completed. This is where you learn tha...