TikTok Marketing: Everything You Should Know Before Using It

Geschrieben von alisonwilliams am 1. Oktober 2021 07:22 Uhr


While the average TikTok creator is a part of Z Generation, TikTok is rapidly expanding its user base. Recent data indicate that around 39% of users on TikTok in the US are above the 30 age. If you own a business, TikTok marketing may be an excellent method to advertise your brand. Even in 2020, small to medium-sized enterprises see little commercial competition on social media. You might compare TikTok for a brand to Instagram Stories. They are not designed to increase sales, but to highlight your business's uniqueness. A great first TikTok video for business owners is to describe yourself and your firm. Don't forget that the more genuine your business looks, the more likely it is to connect with its customers.


Simply by providing interesting information about your staff and a few things about your brand, you may assist people in getting to know you. Another effective strategy is to communicate your brand missions or what matters most to your startup firm. It enables potential clients to comprehend the motivations behind your firm.

Collaboration with an influencer is another approach to advertise your brand on TikTok. The emergence of an influencer on TikTok demonstrates how many content creators are valued on the site. Each TikTok user has a favorite content producer.

You may look at the trending hashtag challenge and see if there's a TikTok influencer with whom you can collaborate. It is frequently referred to as a sponsored hashtag challenge, in which a corporation sponsors a hashtag and challenges users to generate content centered on the subject.

The purpose of TikTok marketing is not to sale anything, but to promote something. More than half of TikTok creators have participated in a hashtag challenge, according to TikTok data. The average interaction rate of a TikTok influencer in a hashtag challenge is 8.6 percent. Given TikTok's user base of approximately 80 million people in the US, this is a huge TikTok marketing opportunity.

How to Promote Your Business on TikTok
TikTok began bringing out advertising to its users in early 2019. And it has been a massive success for the firm. According to Apptopia/TechCrunch, TikTok's Q4 2019 revenue increased by more than 300 percent over the same period last year.

A TikTok advertisement is a pre-roll (akin to the ads that appear before a YouTube video content) that lasts between 10-15 seconds. Similar to YouTube, advertisements may be ignored in a matter of seconds, and marketers pay for impressions.

TikTok now supports three types of advertisements:

Advertisements That Take Over a Brand
It's a five-second animated or static advertisement that displays on full screen when a user launches the TikTok app. Users are directed to a TikTok account or webpage via these brand takeover adverts. According to reports, this ad type is limited to a certain number of advertisers each day in each nation and can cost up to around $50,000 per campaign.

Through this ad, you can grab more viewers and followers to your target page. Wisely you can buy TikTok fans to reach your ads to massive potential users across the world. Thus, you could grab more sales and ROI in a short period.

In-Feed Ads
It's the full-screen advertisements that play automatically and appear in between UGC(User Generated Content) videos. As with Instagram story advertising, these advertisements will direct visitors to the app store or a target page.

Branded Hashtag Challenges
It's hashtag-related themes created by businesses or brands. The objective is to inspire people to make and share video content centered on the topic. These video content are included as part of a brand takeover or native in-feed advertising packages.

Advertising on TikTok needs application, and as the program is currently in beta, there is no precise data on advertising pricing. According to some agencies, TikTok in-feed advertisements are sold at a cost per impression of $10 and need a minimum campaign expenditure of $6,000.

According to the platform, over 90% of users use the platform many times each day, making it an attractive platform for businesses whose demographics align with the TikTok audience.


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