Why make your kids join Piano Classes

Geschrieben von Themusicchamber am 4. November 2019 09:34 Uhr


Playing a musical instrument like any percussion instrument, piano, guitar or violin doesn't only enhances your child's skill but also contributes to his physical and mental health. Studies show that music stimulates the brain in a way that no other activity does. It can even slow down the aging process of the brain if practiced regularly.


Here are a few reasons why piano lessons might be an important activity for your child.

Concentrate and Focus

During a piano lesson your child learns to be present in the moment and to focus on the music and technique. Piano classes in Dubai are a great way for kids to clear their mind of any stress and concentrate on an amazing art form. Musically trained children have better motor skills because of increased brain, eye and hand coordination. Since playing the piano requires both hands doing different things, your child might not be able to deal with it initially. Gradually, your child will learn the art of split concentration allowing him to focus on more than one thing at a time.

Better Academics

Whether it is learning a challenging piece of music, studying for high school exams or graduating from law school, learning how to sit down, working hard and concentrating is a skill that will benefit your child their entire life. Numerous studies show that kids who play piano scored higher in math than other children.

Builds Confidence

Playing a piano on the stage in front of a large group of people takes a lot of courage. It builds self confidence that lasts a lifetime. Experiencing the excitement of people listening to your music piece is a powerful way to boost a child's self esteem. When children succeed, the positive feedback that you give them as a parent goes a long way in supporting self confidence.

Teaches them to handle success and face disappointments.

Your child should know how to handle defeat and accept constructive criticism. Sometimes a chord will be missed; a wrong note will be played leading to criticism and disappointment. Building this skill is necessary for kids to become independent and succeed in future endeavors, whether it is personal goals, academic goals or just learning how to effectively deal with their failures.

Develops Social and Emotional skills

Piano classes in Dubai offer group piano lessons. When learning to play in a group, your child can get comfortable playing in front of other people. This makes it easier to transition in to playing in front of an audience. Your child will get an opportunity to make new friends who share a common interest.

If you are looking for the best piano lessons in Dubai, you can check out Music Chamber Academy. It is a leading music training institute offering instrument learning classes. They have beginner, intermediate and advanced level courses depending on the level and skill of your child. The well trained teachers make learning an enjoyable experience for your child. They teach their students to step on the stage with confidence and share their music pieces.

The Music Chamber



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