How to define golden boot in game market

Geschrieben von Garberhala am 18. September 2019 10:28 Uhr


What is the definition of Golden Boot in game? Players of the Golden Boot class are self-centered and force themselves into the imaginary "adults'world" in order to emphasize their distinctiveness. They always have a wrong understanding of the real world and always think that society should be imagined. Therefore, when they see some serious subjects, they can easily substitute them in and feel that the world should be like this. This is adults' world. Others have the opposite view. So in January, in New Golden Boot game market, the Asians satisfied this point. Of course, what I said is not to black this animation, because I am also a second year student. I like this game very much. But when I see that some people suddenly start to talk about social psychology after watching it somehow. When the protagonist shapes a figure, I start to talk about the unrealistic and unrealistic creation of black characters. Then I pull out a long talk about social psychology and so on, and you will be confused to say two sentences. Reasonably, I can't beat these people, so I can't see them. Because you have to watch the Golden Boot game with your head, I think it's different from eating with your tongue. You have to pick one fault every day before you can swallow? It's a bit professional. This kind of Golden Boot cheat mentioned in I generally do not evaluate, because it is really difficult to tune, such as the role of Fate/Zero Palace Cesar has been interpreted by countless people, this Asian game also has such characters that need to be interpreted by the audience themselves, and emphasizing personal analysis of the plot will only cause a lot of people to rebound. The story of Golden Boot game is about a society in which human beings are extremely excluded from the "Asian people". The hero suddenly becomes an immortal Asian and begins to escape the capture of the government. Because the Asian people are not recognized as "human beings" by the society, he seizes the experimental mice and digs various anatomical organs. Because the protagonist's setting is absolutely rational, there are many opinions about what he does in the eyes of others, such as "ruthless and unjust", "incomprehensible code of conduct", "justice" and "cruelty". In fact, the protagonist only does what is "in line with his own interests maximization". After becoming an Asian, the protagonist's goal is to "return to the normal life of ordinary human beings", which is to restrict the protagonist's maximization of interests. Whatever he did, his aim was to return to normal human life.


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