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from kckkhgyt on 10/09/2019 12:11 PM

Just Keto Diet Invest in chestnuts Eat a portion / day of oilseed: a nut or walnut or two cashews or hazelnuts or three almonds, macadamias or pistachios. 14. Splash the flaxseed Beat flaxseed (brown or gold) in the blender and store in the refrigerator. Eat up to twice a day. 15. Drink teas Drink three to four cups of green or white tea per day. Cesar Greco / Ag Palmeiras The antidoping was positive after the classic between Palmeiras (who is helping the athlete with his legal department) and Corinthians, on April 3, for the Paulista Championship. Alecsandro has already served one month of preventive punishment, a period that will be deducted from the sentence of two years. Alecsandro's defense used as an argument the realization of a capillary implant by the player. The procedure, carried out in December, involved the use of lotions and medications. The substances were all legalized, but would have been transformed into their liver after metabolism. Three doctors, one of them biochemist, argued in favor of AlecGol. In favor of Alecsandro, who could take four years of suspension (voted by two other jurists of the TJD), weighed the favorable history. He weighed against the increase in yield, as the substance burns fat and increases performance, and a contradiction: the player said to have stopped with the medication in June. Only in May the athlete performed a new examination that did not detect the substance. Alecsandro has a contract with Palmeiras until the end of the year, and the club will have three days to appeal after the court's ruling - which is expected within 48 hours. Knocked out, the attacker talked about the episode. "I come from a sports family. My father, Lela, was a champion, as was my brother Richarlyson. I was born inside football. My father has always explained to me the principles of being an athlete and I am very zealous for my image and my family.


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