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34, female

Posts: 1

from colhjiui on 10/04/2019 04:50 PM

Freshly Bloom Keto Try to hold out without reducing the pace until the end of the workout, so that the effect is maximum, and the press has managed to "pump up" well . Often you hear questions about the frequency and intensity of classes - is it possible to lose weight if you jump in the mode after 2-3 days, and is there a special table in nature for those who want to remove their stomach in this way? Skipping rope tables for quick weight loss exist, but experienced coaches recommend focusing on the abilities and strengths of a particular person. Even practicing only once a week, you will spend energy, but to burn fat, you need to exercise on a skipping rope at least 2-3 times a week, and in addition to monitor the diet. Agree, it's a shame to spend half an hour training, then to more than replenish the supply of calories spent with a piece of cake. Fat can be removed from the abdomen only due to intense cardio loads, combined with the rejection of products that make the waist "sprawl" - confectionery, alcoholic beverages, sweet soda, baked goods, white bread and other "bad things " . jumping rope for slim hips and weight loss To tidy your hips and legs, you have to sweat. In this case, training will not be limited to simple jumps. As soon as you learn to perform them technically correctly (keep your hands pressed to the body in the elbows, rotate the projectile exclusively with the movement of the hands in the wrist, breathe evenly and deeply, fall only on the toes and in no case on the heels or the full foot), start gradually introduce new types of jumps into the training program: double jump, in which for each revolution of the projectile you need to make two bounces (even at a slow pace); alternate bouncing on one leg - 10 times in a row; a change of legs, in which you need to alternately lift one or the other leg, bent at the knee; Jumping to the sides - after jumping, move to the left, on the next jump - to the right, and so on all the time; with the reverse movement of the rope, rotating the projectile not forward, but backward, behind the head; with crossing ropes.


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